
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Muzzlelaoader Trophy Whitetail 2011 - Mitchell Bodiford

Mitchell Bodiford with his 2011 Nebraska muzzleloader trophy whitetail deer that will easily score in the 150's.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Johnny Hall Scores With 160 Archery Harvest

Congratulation to Johnny on this great archery harvest the week before rifle.
I'd recommend Scott to anyone, his enthusiasm runs over, and rubs off onto the hunters. He does his home work and during the deer hunt for the wife and I we saw many 130-140" deer. We were able to bring a 160", 300 pound brute home and saw a couple even bigger, opportunities abound As with his turkey hunts, he gives his all for his hunter as well pushes you and will not let you lose confidence because he HAS done his home work for you. Great spirit, great attitude and great guy! Thanks Johnny & Teri

Nebraska Trophy Whitetails - Outfitters

The 2011 whitetail deer season is a huge success.